Settings in Manager
This article describes the settings under the options dialogue in Manager.
Setting | Usage |
Part assembly layout | If part assemblies part list should be beside or under exploded view |
Restore windows | Remember window position when opening Manager next time. |
Open start catalogue | Automatically open start catalogue when starting Manager. |
External document viewer | Use pdf viewer installed on laptop / server and open separately when viewing documents. |
Initiate new part assembly | Used when custom plugins for part assemblies exist. |
Specification count limit | Limit on how many specifications are shown in pane before showing “Overflow”. |
Extended repository specification columns | This setting allows user to show specifications as columns in part storage. Note that there is a performance penalty to showing specifications as columns, and the penalty is higher the more specifications selected. |
Use working set | See separate article Using Working sets |
Enable template for creating new catalogue | When creating a new catalogue, nodes in root will be added automatically based in template. Also see article Technical documentation - Catalogue templates |
Apply persistent id to create new catalogue | User will get forced to add persistent identity to a catalogue when crateing a new. |
Text group extension | Extension will allow to select texts in text storage where the texts are used in presentations. This is useful when eg checking that all parts are translated. The function has a performance penalty and can thus be turned off. |