See customer specific pages on Confluence

See customer specific pages on Confluence

When you open the Signifikant Knowledge Base you will only be able to see generic information about Signifikants Aftermarket Platform. If you are a customer and want to see your own customer space with specific information for your installation, please follow the instructions below


  1. Open https://signifikant.atlassian.net/wiki

  2. Click on the login icon on the bottom left corner of the screen and login with your credentials
    An Activity page will be shown with the latest changes to the spaces you have access to (Signifikant Knowledge Base, Customer and your company specific page)

  3. If you find “Customers” or the name of your company under “Starred spaces” you can click on the link and open these spaces directly. Otherwise click on “Spaces” and then select “All spaces”.

  4. Now you will see information that is limited to our customers and your company respectively. If you want to go back to the generic knowledge base click here: http://support.signifikant.se



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