Working with references
References are used to create links to other information from a presentation or a node. References may be placed on nodes, presentations and part rows.
If the reference is placed on a presentation or a part row, the reference will appear as a small link symbol in the web viewer. The reference will be named according to the description of the reference. If the reference is placed on a node, the reference will be invoked if user clicks on the node.
When placed at a part row, this is how it may look like.
Adding a reference
References are added in the Manager, and the reference function is found in the right side pane.
Choosing to add a new reference will present a dialogue. Fill in the description text of the reference and click add to select the reference type and what it will point to.
In the add dialogue, select the reference type and what it is to point to. A reference may point to its destination by either Database Id (when pointing to an object within the current site) or to an Identity. See below.
Database Id
Database Id is the internal id of an object within a site. The database id is visible on most objects as a number after the object name and a "#" in the pane in the Manager. E.g. click on a part in the part repository. In the pane it may say "Bolt#1232". Database id is then 1232.
Reference types
The below referece types exist and are used according to below.
Reference type | Database Id | Identity |
Server |
Site | N/A | Fill in site name |
Catalogue | Database id of a Catalogue | Identity of a Catalogue |
Illustration | Database id of a Illustration | Identity of a Illustration |
PartModule | Database id of a PartModule | Identity of a PartModule |
Document | Database id of a Document | Identity of a Document |
ContentSet | Database id of a ContentSet | Identity of a ContentSet |
Part | Database id of a Part | Identity of a Part |
Product |
PartRow | Database id of a PartRow | N/A |
CatalogueNode | Database id of a CatalogueNode | Identity of a CatalogueNode |
HotSpot |
DocumentAnchor |
Url-Internal |
| Will create a link to a site which will open in the current tab. Url must include http:// |
Url-External |
| Will create a link to a site which will open in a new tab. Url must include http:// |
Bulletin |
Identity |
| Reference is by presentation Identity. |
PersistentIdentity |
| Reference is by presentation PersistentIdentity. |
LogicalIdentity |
| Reference is by presentation LogicalIdentity. |
Number |
| Reference is to a part by its part number. |
Index |
Name |
Note |
RelativeNodeOnIdentity | N/A | Identity of a CatalogueNode which is located in the same catalogue as the reference. Used by the application when a partmodule/illustration/hotspot refers a node but the part module is placed in several catalogues. The node is looked up by its Identity. |
RelativeUrlInternal | N/A | Form or page name for current user, in current site. Example MyOrders or Forms/GetAllClaim |
Adding an URL link
A typical use case is to add a link from e.g. a node to an external system. This can be achieved with references.
Go to a node which shall be used to click at to go to the external system
Preferrably add an image to the node (optional)
Click to add a reference on the node.
When new reference is added, choose type "Url-External"
Enter the URL in the identity field. Ensure to include the full URL, e.g. ""