Upload users to web viewer
From version 4.5 it is possible to upload users to the web viewer using XLSX files. Function is applicable when users are stored in web viewer.
The purpose of the function is to allow to upload users in admin section to make it easier to batch add users for e.g. OEM customers. In admin section of users an upload icon now exists. Click on the button and it is possible to upload an XLSX file with users.
Select to import users and select a file with users. In version 5, a popup will display as below. In earlier versions, file is uploaded in the first page.
At successful import number of imported users will display.
Prior to import a validation of the content is executed and possible validation errors are shown.
The format has to be exactly correct.
Permissions has to be a list which is separated by “,” and space is allowed between permissions. E.g. “Price, Availability” is ok.
If customer number is not existing file will not get imported (configuration possible).
Users with no customer will be imported but with no customer set (configuration possible).
Import function is configured in profile.config.
<!-- Function enabled -->
<!-- Users with no customer will be skipped -->
<!-- Only customers with calid customer numbers are accepted -->
<!-- Define a template for the upload to make it easier for the users -->