Orders, price lists and availability

Orders, price lists and availability

This article describes how orders, price lists and availability functions works, when Signifikant Platform's built in functions for price lists and orders are turned on.

Profile.config file definitions refer to version before 5.1.

Order receiver

Orders placed by an user will generate an email to the order receiver and a confirmation to the user. The order receiver will be:

  • For an user: The selected reseller will get the order

  • For an user connected to a company: The user's company's parent organisation will get the order.

  • For an user with no selected reseller: Default order receiver as defined in profile.config

  • For an user connected to a company with no selected reseller: Default order receiver as defined in profile.config

Price list

Price lists are defined by name, available currencies for that price list and valid countries for the price list. One price list should also be the default price list.

  • For each organisation which is not a client organisation, it is possible to select price list for outgoing prices. Outgoing price on an organisation is the price a client which has the organisation as parent organisation will see when purchasing parts.

  • Each user or organisation may choose parent organisation. An user will see the outgoing price of the parent organisation. Parent organisation is called reseller when users register.

  • In case of a user or client organisation not having a parent organisation (reseller), the user will be able to select the default price list if the user is in a country which the default price list covers.

  • Users cannot be created (or cannot register) if they do not choose a reseller or have access to a default price list.

In the sample below, users at Client SE will see the price list Prices SE. Users at Reseller SE will see the price list Reseller price Europe (may choose currency SEK). Users at Reseller DE will see the price list Reseller price Europe (may choose currency EUR). Client CN will place orders to default order receiver (OEM) and will see default price list (Default prices World, may choose currency SEK, EUR or USD).

Note that if the top organisation has "accept orders" set to true, end clients may choose to send orders to the top organisation (normally the OEM) despite having local resellers. The end client will also see the OEM's outgoing price, which normally is intended as reseller price.

Note that if the default price list covers a country in which there is also a reseller, users registering will be able to choose a price list or a reseller.


Availability is defined through an availability provider. All users (or users of company of any type) connected to an organisation with availability provider (outgoing) selected will see the availability specified by the availability provider.

Signifikant Platform comes with three default availability providers which may fetch availability from the database, an XLS file or an CVS file. The database may be loaded through manual upload of an XLS or an CVS file. Signifikant Platform availability provider is controlled through profile.config and must be given a name to appear in admin section of web viewer.

<AvailabilityProvider>   <AssertDbAvailabilityProvider>     <AvailabilityForCountry/>     <ProviderNameCode>AssertDatabase</ProviderNameCode>   </AssertDbAvailabilityProvider> </AvailabilityProvider>

Refer to Configuration of Web Viewer version 4.x for more information on default availability providers.

Additional availability providers may be developed to create custom integration component fetching availability from an external source as an ERP.

Automatic selection of reseller and price list

When new users are registering, it is possible to have reseller and price list auto selected. The user will not have the option to change. This function will work if there is only one option available for the user.

If AutoSelectResellerEnabled is true, the user will get a reseller appointed. The user will then get the reseller's price list. This will happen if organisations is turned on, and exactly one reseller in the user’s country exist.

If AutoSelectPriceListEnabled is true, the user will get a price list automatically. This will happen if

  • organisations is turned on, no reseller exist for the country the user has selected and a default price list exist for that country

  • organisations is turned off and a default price list exist for the country the user has selected

Order mail attachment

Orders attached to email may be as pdf or xls.

Use the below setting for pdf

<OrderAttachmentProviderToOEM>   <OrderAttachmentProviderAsPdfToOEM>   </OrderAttachmentProviderAsPdfToOEM> </OrderAttachmentProviderToOEM> <OrderAttachmentProviderToCustomer>   <OrderAttachmentProviderAsPdfToCustomer>   </OrderAttachmentProviderAsPdfToCustomer> </OrderAttachmentProviderToCustomer>

Use the below setting for xls

<OrderAttachmentProviderToOEM>   <OrderAttachmentProviderAsExcelToOEM>   </OrderAttachmentProviderAsExcelToOEM> </OrderAttachmentProviderToOEM> <OrderAttachmentProviderToCustomer>   <OrderAttachmentProviderAsExcelToCustomer>   </OrderAttachmentProviderAsExcelToCustomer> </OrderAttachmentProviderToCustomer>

Configuration in version 5.1

Configuration in version 5.0 and earlier


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