Texts not imported during XML import

Texts not imported during XML import


XML import is completed successfully, but texts in the export files do not display in the web viewer. They mostly look correct in the Manager, but when looking in text repository some languages are missing translations in the import. 


Many languages have different culture codes with the same group, e.g. en, en-US and en-GB. Web Viewer will show a translation based on the language selected and if a specific text is missing it will display empty.

Cross check the following:

  • Selected language in web viewer matches the actual languages in the Manager and in the import config/translations imports.
  • Ensure Web Viewer does not fallback to an alternative language due to selected language being suppressed. Languages can be suppressed (will not be selectable) by a profile.config setting called <SuppressedUILanguages>.
  • Check if <AllowOnlyValidLanguages> is true. If so ensure import.config lists the valid languages during import. In the below example import engine will treat all text that does not have a language code as en-GB, and at the same time only allow en-US. Result will be empty texts.

If section <ValidLanguages> is missing and <AllowOnlyValidLanguages> is true, no languages will be treated as valid.

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