Image does not display on web, shows in a strange size or image missing in pdf


An image is not displaying. Symptoms can

  • A part image is not showing despite existing in the server database.

  • A part assembly illustration is not displaying the image.

  • The download pdf version of a part assembly is not showing the image.

  • The part image displays at a strange size.


Option 1

Svg-files and also rastered images may be created without size. But svg-illustrations without size are sometimes scaled badly in some web browsers and in pdf:s. If an image, svg or raster image, has size 0 it could cause problems in the web vewer. Ensure to set a format / size of the image to ensure proper scaling and viewing.

It is also possible to use the Manager to verify the image size in Signifikant. Open the image repository and search for the image. The image size (Width and Height) shall not be empty and not 0.

In later versions of Manager it is possible to select “Refresh image size” on images to refresh the size of a set of images.

It is also possible to validate image storage to find images that may be faulty. Select Validate all in image storage to analyze images.

More information on validation is found here:

Option 2

Verify file size. In some cases heavy images may load poorly due to time out in selected calls. For some calls timeout is low due to performance reasons. So there may be problems if images are 15-30 MB or above.

Image size

Please consider to reduce file size of images. Depending on your user's access to internet recommended image size varies. For customers operating with end users having high speed fiber, images of several MBs load quickly. For customers with end users spread over a large geography and sometimes with poor internet, a 1 MB file may prove to load very slowly.

So each customer will need to develop its own image size recommendation based on existing situation, but keep in mind to make images as small as reasonably possible.

File names at automated import

Note that image name normally is appended with a hash tag when image has been imported using automated process.

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