Technical documentation - References
This article describes how to configure references.
This configuration is available in version 5.0 and later.
References exist on presentations, part rows and nodes. A reference may point to different targets; a presentation, an url or several other types of objects. How references are displayed can be configured using the <Reference> tag in <PresentationSettings>. This article explains the configuration options.
Reference placement and design
A reference may be placed in any of the areas of a view using the display attribute (see Technical documentation - Presentation settings in version 5). The label for the references can be configurated by the label attribute.
<!-- References in catalogues will be handled by this example setting -->
<Trigger base-type="Catalogue">
<!-- Display the reference in the body area of the catalogue view. Hearer will be "keyText" -->
<References display="body" label="keyText"/>
The reference item is a graphical object in it self and has a layout. The layout of the reference is like below.
Target display option - presentation
If reference is pointing to a presentation, it is possible to configure how the reference item displays values from the presentation it is pointing to.
<References display="body" label="keyText">
<!-- References pointing to presentations will be based on the template preview -->
<Presentation template="preview"/>