Technical documentation - Cleaning hidden characters from texts
This article describes the function to clean hidden characters in texts from the text storage.
Version 5.1.6
This function is available in version 5.1.6 and later.
Once enabled an option to clean texts will appear in text storage. The menu option operates on selected texts and will remove the charactes defined in a configuration. If all texts are to be cleaned, chose to select all (ctrl-A) and then select Clean texts.
Turning function on
Funciton is turned on in the options dialogue.
It is possible to define which characters are to be removed. The cleaning function runs all cleaning rules on each text entry in the priority order and several rules might thus be applied to each text. The configration exist in server.config. Sample configuration:
The configuration may handle a few different special characters:
$NewLine : New line
$CarriageReturn: CR
$Tab: Tab
$Backslash: backslash
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