Technical instruction - Feedback setting

This is valid from version 5.3 and later.


Now on feedback setting the feedback manager setting is not used anymore. Instead the feedback view can be seen as a template where the customer define which field to show in feedback view. Here is a example of the feedback view setting. The setting should be placed under Template section in profile.config. Then the template will be rendered for corresponding scenario by template id.

In the UserInputFields setting customer need to set which field will be shown in the feedback view. The input field type can be TextBox, TextArea, CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, StaticText, Email, Hidden. Example below,

<Field id="Description" display="body" label="Description" value-format=""{0}"" input-type="TextArea" disable-label="true" required="true" group="fourth-group" group-order="3" order="1"/>

The properties are-

id: id of the input

label:- if you set this property then translated label will be added.

label-format:- How the formatted value will be shown in email.

disable-label: then label of input will not be added in email

placeholder: on input which placeholder will be shown

default-val : default value of input

value-format: how the value of input will be shown in email

input-type : input type- TextBox, TextArea, CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, StaticText, Email, Hidden

disable-value : will not show value of input in the email body. This setting used to add these field as cc, to fields.

required : The input is required.

group : Group name of the input

group-order : Order of group.

order : order of input inside the group

Options: For combo box provide the options.

class : add the class to the input


Sending of Email : You can add different scenario by adding different template and read the corresponding template. But now the default template is read. When you send an email then inside the feedback view setting there is email setting as below,

<EmailView display-application-info="false" display-signoff-message="false" display-footer="false"> <EmailCcFields>Email</EmailCcFields> <EmailToFields>EmailTo</EmailToFields> </EmailView>


display-application-info = Will show the application info in the email

display-signoff-message = Will display sign of message

display-footer = display the footer in email.

css-file-names = You can add styling on the user input field and make a custom design

EmailCcFields = Comma separated user input field id from where email ccfield will be added in email.

EmailToFields = Comma separated user input field id from where email to will be added in email.