Technical documentation - Adding parts to an order and order line creation

This article describes how parts are added to orders in web viewer.

This documentation is valid for version 5.1 and later. For earlier versions it is also possible to configure imports and downloads, but csv file format is not available as download.


It is possible to import parts into an order by selecting an xlsx or csv file and import it into the order. It is also possible to download a file with the order lines as pdf, xlsx or csv file. When configured, two buttons will appear on the order page.


Selecting to import order will allow user to select a file and import it.

Adding parts to order in web viewer

Parts may have a quantity and a reference on an order line.

When a part is added to an order, the part is added as a new order line if the part has the same reference and is from the same catalogue identity. So if a part is added to the order web viewer will follow these steps:

  1. Check if there are any more parts with same part number.

    1. If no – add new order line

  2. Check if part on order line has the same reference as added part

    1. If no – add new order line

  3. Check if part on order line is added from the same catalogue identity as added part

    1. If no – add new order line

  4. If yes – add part to the existing order line

Note that if reference is empty on part on order line and on added part it will be the same reference.

When parts are added directly in the order view, the part does not have a catalogue identity nor a reference when it is added. So if you add the same part twice from the order view and do not add a reference on the order line in between the same order line will be increased.


Import order is configured in profile.config.

<!-- The following tag in root will enable to import orders --> <ImportOrderInOrderCartEnabled>true</ImportOrderInOrderCartEnabled> <!-- The below tags will point out templates for order import to make it easy for users to download a template --> <!-- Files should be placed in AppData/Site folder --> <ImportOrderFileTemplate> <XlsxFileName>Parts.xlsx</XlsxFileName> <CsvFileName>Parts.csv</CsvFileName> </ImportOrderFileTemplate>

Uploading parts to an order

Parts can be uploaded to the order by uploading an xls, xlsx or csv file. Only parts allowed to be added to an order (e.g. part must exist in the database) are added to the order. If an upload file contains parts that are not allowed to be added to the order, all other parts will be added.

Other than that, no validation will occur when the parts are added to the order. Instead the entire order is validated once the parts are added.

The following file formats are allowed.


Download order is configured in profile.config.

<!-- The following tag in root will enable to download of orders --> <DownloadCurrentOrderCartEnabled>true</DownloadCurrentOrderCartEnabled>