Technical documentation - Csv export and download
It is possible to configure columns on Csv exports of assemblies in web viewer.
Configuration available in version 5.2 and later
Configuration is done in Admin/Config page.
Add codes for the properties on parts to be included in the csv download. The following attributes are allowed:
Identity,SupplierNumber,PartNumber,Name,Description,Brand,Filter,Footnotes,Sellable,Specifications, PartBelongsToKit
Add codes for the properties on parts to be included in the csv download. The following attributes are allowed:
Part or Row specifications
If Specifications are a member of the column list, each specification type is printed to a separate column, if some conditions are met:
Specification type has Mode: Highlighted or Visible
For part specifications: the specification type Name is defined and not null
Add the file path to Invoice Directory to where the PDF files are stored and getting fetched from.