Technical documentation - Configuring up-sales/cross sales/top sales
This article describes how to configure up-sales/cross sales based on part relations function and sales statistics based features. It contains two major parts; statistics based features and manually managed cross sales. The module for sales statistics and cross sales is an add-on module.
Version 5.0
This functionality is available in version 5.0 and later.
Sales statistics
Using sales statistics in web viewer
Sales statistics based features will display top selling or latest catalogues or parts in web viewer. The catalogues and parts may be placed on any presentation page as start page and product pages. The function can be used to e.g. present top selling parts globally, per user or catalogue, latest catalogues ordered from etc. This statistics may be placed on any presentation based on PresentationSettings.
The following options exist:
Option | Description |
TopSellingPartsByUser | Will display the parts signed in user has ordered the most |
TopSellingPartsByCompany | Will display the parts signed in user's company has ordered the most |
TopSellingPartsByGlobally | Will display the top selling parts |
HighMovingCatalogueByUser | Will display the catalogues from which the most parts have been ordered by the signed in user. |
HighMovingCatalogueByCompany | Will display the catalogues from which the most parts have been ordered by the signed in user's company. |
HighMovingCatalogueByGlobally | Will display the catalogues from which the most parts have been ordered totally. |
HighMovingPartsOfCatalogue | Will display the top selling parts from current catalogue. |
LatestAssetByUser | Will display the most recent assets user placed an order from. This option is available in version 5.1 and later. |
LatestAssetByCustomer | Will display the most recent assets user's company placed an order from. This option is available in version 5.1 and later. |
LatestCataloguesByUser | Will display the most recent catalogues user placed an order from. |
LatestCataloguesByCustomer | Will display the most recent catalogues user's company placed an order from. |
Part sales calculation
When calculating top selling parts the following algorith is used:
Each order row will count once regardless of the quantity on that order row.
If the same part exist on several order rows that part will be counted once for each order row.
Only orders the last 1 year is considered (configurable)
When calculating high moving catalogues the following algorith is used:
Each order row will be cosidered. The catalogue where the part on the order row was added will be counted once.
If the same part exist on several order rows, added from the same catalogue, that catalogue will be counted once for each order row.
Only orders the last 1 year is considered (configurable)
Configuration on where to display top selling parts is in PresentationSettings.
<Trigger base-type="Catalogue"/>
<!-- Define a block containing top selling parts for signed in user. Show top 10 parts -->
<!-- Configuration is give in "C" and will be valid for all base-type="Catalogue" -->
<!-- excludeItems will list items which will not be included in the views -->
<!-- Class will generate a css class which can be used for styling -->
<OrderStatisticsSettings id="C" displayCount="10" excludeItems="catalogueidentity1,catalogueidentity1" class="catalogue-statistics">
<!-- Start page -->
<Trigger label="start"/>
<!-- Ignore settings for C in this case -->
<OrderStatisticsSettings id="C" ignore="true"/>
<OrderStatisticsSettings id="P" excludeItems="partidentity1,partidentity2">
<!-- Present top sellers for this catalogue -->
<!-- Sales statistics carousel configuration, how the list of catalogues will be painted -->
<Carousel class="round" outofbounds-slides-visible="true" all-slides-visible="true" indicators-layout="below"/>
<!-- How each item in the list of catalogues will be painted -->
<Identity display="hidden"/>
<Name tag="h3"/>
<Description display="hidden"/>
<Properties display="hidden"/>
<HighlightedProperty id="*" skip="true"/>
<UsedIn display="hidden"/>
<Replacement display="hidden"/>
<OrderStatisticsSettings id="*" ignore="true"/>
<CrossSales display="hidden"/>
<Image display="body" as-background="true">
<Carousel class="round" change-mode="slide" wrap-navigation="true" show-thumbnails="false" show-indicators-hover="true" auto-slide-time="10000" mouse-over-zoom="0"/>
<Toolbar display="hidden"/>
Viewing sales statistics data
The download in web viewer gives access to the raw data collected. Statistics can be viewed and downloaded as data files in admin if the admin function is turned on.
<!-- Turn on statistics page under admin -->
Collecting sales statistics
Orders are always saved when using the built in providers. But if orders are placed in an external solution, e.g. when using RESTproviders, orders are not stored in Signifikant Server Database unless configured to do so. If sales statistics are to be used for features in web viewer this has to be turned on.
Version 4.5
Saving sales statistics is available in version 4.5 and later.
Use the save-external-order-to-server-database tag to turn on saving sales statistics.
Turn on saving statistics
<!-- Signifikant Dev -->
<RESTPlaceOrderProvider save-external-order-to-server-database="true" delete-old-trace-log-after-number-of-folder="30" trace-folder="C:\Temp\Trace-logs\" url="http://1.234.567.890/IntegrationWebAPI/"/>
Cross sales and color options based on part relations
Cross sales and color options allows to pinpoint that certain parts are to be displayed as "recommended" parts when viewing different presentations. The function is based on “part relations” in Manager.
Cross sales function will present a list of parts based on matching criterias. A list of matching criterias with a list of parts to present is called a part relation. For parts that are fully compatible, part options can be defined.
A part relation contains the following information.
Information | Usage |
Persistent identity | To enable import to update already imported part relations |
Description | A text which will be presented in the UI |
Code | For future use |
Type | CrossSales or PartOptions |
Priority | Used for sorting |
Parts | List of parts, quantity of each part and description text for each part |
Properties | List of matching criterias. Each matching criteria is a specification of specification category type PartRelation. It can be used to point out a part, part assembly, catalogue or specification. |
Matching engine for cross sales
The matching engine will use the properties in the part relation and match it with the currently viewed presentation. The specification type used in the properties list has to be of category "Part relation". The matching engine will then look in the code of the specification type and match according to the table
Specification type code | Matched to |
_RELATION_PART_IDENTITY | Identity field of part currently viewed |
_RELATION_PARTMODULE_IDENTITY | Identity field of part assembly currently viewed |
_RELATION_CATALGOUE_IDENTITY | Identity field of catalogue currently viewed |
_RELATION_SPECIFICATION | Not functional until 5.1 |
The matching engine will take all identities of the current scope and match it with the identities in the properties of a part relation. If they match, the part list will get presented.
User view | Scope |
User looks at a part | Identity of the part |
User looks at a catalogue | Identity of the catalogue |
User looks at a part in a catalogue | Identity of part and identity of catalogue |
User looks at a part row in a kit | Identity of part and identity of part assembly |
User looks at a part row in an assembly in a catalogue | Identity of part, identity of part assembly and identity of catalogue |
Color options
Color options can only be used on parts and will allow to define set of compatible parts, eg the same part in different colors.
Cross sales can be shown in web viewer based on PresentationSettings.
Cross sales
Adding cross sales information in Manager
See Cross sales and part (color) options how to add cross sales and part options in Manager.
Importing cross sales
Cross sales information may be imported as SSX. See Technical documentation - Signifikant Simplified XML - SSX.