Technical documentation - Log files, log level and extended logging


Standard procedure for a project is to set log level to Verbose during the project and the first 3-6 months after the project. Log level shall then be changed to Error, to avoid log files to grow too quickly. Log file location shall be a non application/system disk.



Manager writes logs for a specific user to AssertManager.log. Log file is accessible through the Help menu in the Manager application. Logging is controlled by settings.config for the user.

File name:                 settings.config

Location:                   %AppData%\Signifikant\Assert


<LogLevel>Verbose</LogLevel> <LogDebugWrites>true</LogDebugWrites>


Server will write log entries to AssertServer.log. Log level can be set to Critical, Error, Warning, Information and Verbose. Log files generated by Server are controlled by server.config located in ProgramData.

File name:                 server.config

Location:                   C:\ProgramData\Signifikant\Assert\  


<?xml version="1.0"?> <ServerConfiguration xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">    <LogLevel>Verbose</LogLevel>    <LogFilePath>c:\log\AssertServer.log</LogFilePath> <!-- Starting version 5.1.5 it is possible to get extended logging by turning on debug writes. -->    <LogDebugWrites>true</LogDebugWrites> </ServerConfiguration>

Web Viewer

Web Viewer will write log entries to AssertWeb.log. Log level can be set to Critical, Error, Warning, Information and Verbose. Log files generated by Web Viewer are controlled by server.config located in AppData.
File name:                   server.config

Location:                     C:\inetpub\wwwroot\AssertWeb\App_Data\ 


LogDebugWrites will generate a lot of debug information. Ensure to have this turned off unless needed.

<?xml version="1.0"?> <ServerConfiguration xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <LogLevel>Verbose</LogLevel> <!-- Target path for log files --> <LogFilePath>C:\log\AssertServer.log</LogFilePath> <!-- Turning LogDebugWrits on will generate a lot more debug information targeted at error searching complex errors. Default is false. --> <LogDebugWrites>false</LogDebugWrites> <!-- Log file will roll over to a new file once file size reaches 100 MB (defaul) --> <LogFileRollOverOnMaxMBSize>100</LogFileRollOverOnMaxMBSize> <!-- Old log files will be deleted when reaching 90 files (default) --> <DeleteRollOverOldLogAfterNumberOfFiles>90</DeleteRollOverOldLogAfterNumberOfFiles> </ServerConfiguration>


Alarm settings by email

It is possible to configure an email to be sent if an error occur in web viewer.

A list of email recipients that will receive email when error in Web Viewer is logged to log file. E-mails will be sent for 3 seconds after error occur. Function will resume once error flag is reset. If critical error occur, email will once again be sent.

Note that tag may contain several email addresses and they will have to be written without spaces. Sample:


Extended logging

Version 4.3.3

This function is available in version 4.3.3 and later.


WebViewer logs error messages. The error messages may be extended with more information if needed, and extended logging may be triggered on defined events. Trigging of this extended logging is controlled by extendedlogging.config located in App_Data.

WebViewer loads changes in the config during runtime so it is possible to add new triggers for extended logging while web viewer is running. The current extended logging information can at any time be viewed by navigating to

Information on current publication and software version can be found at


Extended logging operates in the very core. Triggering on some errors may cause loops and eventually IIS to crash. 

If you turn on extended logging and then experience unexpected crashes in IIS, turn extended logging off again.


Alter the file in App_Data to trigger new extended logging.



If several triggers exist, extended logging will be triggered if all triggers are valid.








The log level. Default is Verbose which matches all log messages.

Valid values are Verbose, Information, Warning, Error, Critical

will trigger extended logging for all log entries of level Error and above. 


Url accessed. The url is expressed as a regex.

will match 


A regex pattern to match against the original message part of the log message.

will match


A regex pattern to match against the calling method.

will match


A regex pattern to match against the exception message and stack trace


A regex pattern to match against the url referrer of the request. The url referrer is url of the origin of the request.

If several triggers exist, extended logging will be triggered if all triggers are valid. E.g.

will trigger logging if a log message of level "Error" and with url "sitename/Catalogue/1" is added to the web viewer log file.

Extended logging content

Each tag is true/false. By default all tags are set to true.






true to print stack trace.


true to print information such as url, url referrer, cookies, headers, user agent of the request.


true to print the http cookies for the request.


true to print site information.


true to print state information.


true to print user information. Also print the proxy user.


true to print the combined permissions (user, server and dynamic permissions) for the request.


true to print unique id of configuration.


true to print culture information (calculated display, data and document cultures and fallbacks).


true to print the presentation context.


true to print custom context information.


true to print current thread information.

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