Login permissions

This guide explains how to activate the login permission and approval function of Signifikant Platform.

This function and guide is valid up to version 5.0. From version 5.1 it is replaced with the registration function (see ).

Step-by-step guide

The function requires Signifikant Platform's user management to be used.

  1. Edit profile.config to turn on and configure the login permission function. The below settings will turn function on, ensure confirmation email is sent, define who at the OEM that will receive the request for approval email, and which permissions the new user shall have by default.

    <LoginPermissionEnabled>true</LoginPermissionEnabled> <RegisterConfirmationEmailEnabled>true</RegisterConfirmationEmailEnabled> <NewUserRegisterNotificationReceiver>admin@oem.comn</NewUserRegisterNotificationReceiver> <UserDefaultGroupsList>EndClient,CompanyAdministrators</UserDefaultGroupsList>
  2. Ensure loginpermission is added as a resource in permissions.config.

    <ResourcePermission>   <Id>8</Id>   <Enabled>true</Enabled>   <Name>LoginPermission</Name>   <Note>Users can sign in</Note>   <Groups>     <string>LoginPermission</string>   </Groups> </ResourcePermission>
  3. Update email templates. The following templates are used. Sample templates are attached to this guide.

  • NewUserRegisterNotificationMailTemplate.txt - sent to user once user has registered

  • UserApproveMailTemplate.txt - sent to user once user is approved.

  • NewUserRegisterNotificationMailTemplate.txt - sent to admin to inform that there is a new user to approve.

In some cases the admin will create new users instead of users registering them self. In this case, an email is sent to the user with information that the user has been created. A separate template, NewUserRegisterConfirmationByCompanyAdminMailTemplate.txt, is used.

Note! Do not forget to make a copy of profile.config and permissions.config prior to making changes.

Restart IIS to make changes active.

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