Using item status

Item status is used to set status on presentation types. A status is defined as a date sorted list of states on a presentation type. Available statuses are defined in an xml config file and has a name, a value and a code. The current status of a presentation is the most resent added status, before "Now", on that presentation. So current status changes when time goes and a future status entry will automatically become active when its timestamp is passed.

Status may be used to filter presentations in the manager to create a work flow, and to select a sub set of presentations to be included at publish. Typically this function is used when exporting parts and other information to other systems.

Version 4.3

This function is available in version 4.3 and later.

User interface

Status can be added to a presentation using the storage, but it may also be set when importing parts as XLS or any presentation when importing as XML.


The repository may be filtered using item status.

At publish it is possible to select which status to include and publish function will only include those presentations in selected status. Selecting no status will make publisher inlcude all.


Available statuses

Available item status are defined in itemstatus.config located at C:\ProgramData\Signifikant\Assert\

If no items are defined, function will not be in use.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ItemStatusValueDescriptorList xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <Items> <ItemStatusValueDescriptor> <Value>New</Value> <Code>NEW</Code> <Name>New item</Name> <ValidateSuccess>false</ValidateSuccess> </ItemStatusValueDescriptor> <ItemStatusValueDescriptor> <Value>Publish</Value> <Code>PUBLISH</Code> <Name>Approved for publish</Name> <ValidateSuccess>false</ValidateSuccess> </ItemStatusValueDescriptor> <ItemStatusValueDescriptor> <Value>Do not publish</Value> <Code>DONOTPUBLISH</Code> <Name>Do not publish this item</Name> <ValidateSuccess>false</ValidateSuccess> </ItemStatusValueDescriptor> </Items> </ItemStatusValueDescriptorList>

Initial status

Initial status can be set on new presentations. The status will be set if presentation is imported using xml import, xls import or is manually created in the Manager. The initial status is defined in import.config with this xml. It can be decided per presentation base type if that type should have the initial status (or left empty).

Version 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5

Version 5.0 and later

<XmlConfig> <InitialItemStatusList> <InitialItemStatus base-type="Part" initial-value="NEW"/> <InitialItemStatus base-type="Catalogue" initial-value="NEW"/> <InitialItemStatus type-code="Kit" initial-value="NEW"/> </InitialItemStatusList> </XmlConfig>

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