Show specifications in navigation and gallery using inherit on nodes

When showing parts directly in a catalogue, e.g. wear parts, consumables or accessories and similar items it is sometimes very important to show additional aspects on the part directly in the navigation and gallery.

Standard setup in Signifikant is to have a general name on the part and add specifications to describe the aspects. The specification is then marked to show in the navigation and gallery.

E.g. two hoses are hard to see the difference on, but if lenght is specified user will directly see the difference. The name of the two parts will be "Hose" and each part will have a specification named "Length" with value 0.5m and 0.7m.

Step-by-step guide

Follow these steps to manually make a specification appear in the navigation and gallery:

  1. Check your appearance settings in the Options dialogue (under Tools menu) and ensure "Initiate new node to inherit presentation" is true, see screen dump below.

  2. Create a Specification Type and set the mode to "Visible" and "NodeInheritable". 
    E.g. name it "Lenght".

  3. Add the specification to the presentation.
    E.g add a new specification of type "Length" to a part and give it a value.

  4. Use drag and drop to drag the part to its position in the catalogue. 
    Now note that the node on which the part is placed on has a mode "InheritPresentationInformation". This mode will make the web viewer inherit name, identity and specifications with mode NodeInheritable from the presentation and display these.


Italic nodes

Note that nodes that has "InheritPresentationInformation" will display as italic in the tree navigation and show name in italic.

If you wish to not show identity on nodes, adjust this in profile.config PresentationSettings section.

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