Using Replacements and No Longer Available functionality

This article describes the Replacement and No Longer Available functionality in Signifikant.


Parts may have replacements, and each part may be replaced by one or more parts. A replacement is defined as the part being replaced, a date, a remark, a replacement code and a list of parts replacing the original part. A part may also have alternative replacements. When a replacement in turn has a replacement, a replacement chain is created.

The replacement code (ReplacementCode) is used to define when the replacement shall occur and three options exist; ReplaceNever (do not replace), ReplaceOutOfStock (replace when out of stock) and ReplaceNow (part is replace now).

A part may also be marked as no longer available (AvailabilityCode). When marking a part with availability code, three options exist: Available, NotAvailableOutOfStock (part is NLA when out of stock) and NotAvailable. Note that AvailabilityCode does not have anything to do with actual stock level in a warehouse. A part may be 0 in stock and still available to purchase.


  • Original part – the part in the assembly, as built

  • Active part – the part which will be placed in order basket

  • Replacement – the part which is actually ordered (normally same as active part)

Replacement code will make a part being replaced. The code is typically returned in the Price or Availability call to an ERP or teh DBProviders.






Replace part when part is out of stock (OOS)


Replace part now, regardless of stock (NOW)


Part is not replaced

Order call will include original part and replacement


Web Viewer

Replacements may partly be controlled by permissions. If user has permissions to see full replacement chain and all replacements. In this case the user will see a mark on each part row if the part has a replacement.


When looking at the part view, the user will see the replacements. If it is a full chain of replacements, the full chain will be visible.

If user does not has permissions to see replacements, the user will only see replacements if a part is actually replaced, and then the user will see the active replacement. What is an active replacement will be determined by two codes on the replacement to handle the two alternatives that a replacement is now or when previous part in is out of stock.

The first replacement in the replacement chain which is possible to buy, based on code and availability, will be displayed. 

E.g. if a part A is replaced by part B which is replaced by part C, and Part A and B both are marked with replace code NOW or OOS (and stock <0) the replace function will display part C.



  1. In the Manager open the replacement storage.

  2. Add a new replacement and fill in the replaced part field with the original part number. Add any remark. The remark will be shown in the replacemen chain. Also add a date when the replacement may kick in.

  3. Mode may be used to control if the replacement is to be shown based on permissions, always or never.

  4. Add the replacement code. The code may be OOS or NOW, see table above.

  5. Add replacements. 

One part replaced by several parts

It is possible to allow for a part to be replaced by several parts. This will make the wev veiwer display several parts as a replacement. 

One part replaced by optional parts

It is possible to have one part being replaced by optional parts. This will make web viewer display alternative options when replacing a part. 

Limit number of replacements and optional replacements

Version 5.1.6 and later.

It is possible to limit number of replacements to a set number. By default a part may be replaced by any number of replacements, but this may be changed in the options dialogue. Value 0 means no limitation. It is also allow to block optional replacements. These limitaitons are also checked in a validation rule, see

If user tries to add more than allowed number of replacement, user will get an error message.

It is possible to set these values for all users using user-settings.config, see


Configuring custom codes

It is possible to configure alternative codes to be used instead of OOS and NOW. This may be useful if codes are fetched from an external system and these codes does not match Signifikant's OOS and NOW codes.

No Longer Available

NLA code will make a part not available, not sellable. The code is typically returned in the Price or Availability call to an ERP.






No longer available when part is out of stock (OOS)


No longer available now (NOW)


Part is available


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