Working with kits

This guide describes the kits function and how to create kits in Signifikant.

Kits model

Kits are considered being a globally defined in a site as a set of parts. The kit may be purchased. For the parts in the kit, it may be possible to buy the parts separately or not depending on how data is entered into the system. When a part which belongs to a kit is shown, the kit is shown as available on that part if some criterions are met (see below).

Definition of a kit

  • A kit is a part assembly with part rows.

  • The part assembly has the property Kit set to true (checked).

  • The part assembly has an associated part (backing part).

  • The part rows in the part assembly refers to the parts in the kit.

  • The parts referred in the part assembly may be "sellable" if they are sold separately.

Creating a kit in the Manager

  1. Create a part with the part number of the kit.

  2. Create a part assembly.

  3. Set the identity of the part assembly to the same number as the part and give the part assembly a name.

  4. Add the part as associated part to the part assembly.

  5. Set the "Kit" property to true.

  6. Add the needed part rows to define the content of the kit.

  7. Ensure to add the kit to the local part assembly, local catalogue, or global kits catalogue according to the options described below.

It is recommended that part assemblies that are kits and the corresponding associated parts are created as a separate presentation types.

Viewing a kit in Web Viewer

For a part which is in a kit, the order button will turn into a small drop down. In this drop down the kits available will display. If the part is sellable (separately) the part will also show at the end of the drop down list.

What makes a part display a kit drop down and how to configure it

The automatic kit lookup use a few different methods to make the kit dropdown display on a part which is in a kit. The options are:

  • The kit is actually located in the same part assembly as the part. The part will then get the kit drop down automatically.

  • The kit is located in the same catalogue as the part. A typical setup is that kits are placed in a node (e.g. named "Service Kits") on the top level of a product. Parts in the kit in that catalogue will get the drop down.

  • The kit is defined as a global kit, so all parts in this kit will get the kit drop down regardless of where these parts are located.

  • The part has a reference to the kit. This is a manual link to the kit and will appear on all places the part is used. This is typically used when there are parts with no part number.

  • The part row has a reference to the kit. This is a manual link to the kit and will appear only on that part row. This is typically used when there are parts with no part number.

How to exclude a part from kit lookup

In some cases it can be useful to exclude some parts in a kit from the automatic kit lookup function.

E.g. consider a cover plate which is sold as a kit with the cover plate and some M4x20 bolts to fasten it. This kit is not relevant to all places where the M4x20 bolt is used (since it is likely used in many places). So the automatic kit lookup shall in this case only consider the plate and skip the bolts in this kit.

The way to exclude a part in a kit from automatic kit lookup is to go to the kit and mark the part row with the part to be excluded (e.g. M4x20 bolt) with mode "ExcludeFromKitLookup".

Version 5.0

This option to exclude part rows from a kit lookup is available in version 5.0 and later.


If global kits strategy is used, the catalogues containing the global kits must be pointed out in profile.config.

<!-- Point out global kits using persistent-identity --> <GlobalKit persistent-identity="globalkits"/> <!-- From version 5.0 it is also possible to define kits based on identity, label, presentation type code and presentation base type --> <!-- Point out global kits using identity --> <GlobalKit identity="wearparts"/> <!-- Point out global kits using label--> <GlobalKit label="multipacks"/>

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