Publish process and what information is included in publish

There are a set of predefined options on how to publish information. This article describes remote publish which is used to publish to a web server.

Publications and what information is included

Publications are created in the publication storage. The publish process will include

  • The catalogue selected in the publication

  • All information which is referred from the selected catalogue including other catalogues.

  • All presentations which have the mode "includeinpublish".

A typical setup is to create a start or index catalogue which contains all cataloges that will be published and select this index catalogue in the publication.


Publish process to select what will be included

Step 0 - make copy

If option “Use database copy” is selected, a copy of the database will be created. Option is available in version 5.2 and later.

Step 1 - collect information

Select all information which may be included in the publication.

Publication type

What is included

Publication type

What is included


All presentations which are marked with mode IncludeInPublish.

Remote, Site, Offline, Sync

All presentations which are referred from the selected catalogue. Referred information includes direct usage, replacements and references.

Also include all presentations which are marked with mode IncludeInPublish.

Select limitations of what is included based on specifications, see below.

Step 2 - remove presentations based on itemstatus

Second step in publish process is to remove presentations based on the itemstatus. Process will check if itemstatus on presentations match with the itemstatuses selected in the publication.

  • Presentations not having a matching itemstates will be excluded in the publish process. If no itemstates are marked, no presentations will be removed from the publication.

  • If a presentation does not have an itemstatus, that presentation will not be removed (and thus be included in the publication).

Step 3 - remove presentations based on permissions

Third step is to remove information based on permissions. Process will check if permission on presentations and other information match with the permissions selected in the publication.

  • Presentations and other information not having matching permission will be excluded in the publish process.

  • If information have many permissions, it is enough that one permission on the information matches one of the permissions in the publication.

  • If no permission are marked in the publication, no information will be removed from the publication.

  • If a presentation or other information does not have a permission, that information will not be removed (and thus be included in the publication).

  • If publish all is selected in the publication, all permissions will be included in the publication.

Step 4 - remove information in XML publish based on specifications

This possibility is introduced in version 4.5.

Fourth step, which is only valid for XML publications, is to remove information based on specifications. Process will if check specifications on presentations and match with the specifications selected in the publication.

  • If no specifications are selected in the publication all presentations will be included.

  • If one specification is selected in the publication all presentations having this specification will be included. 

  • If several specifications are selected in the publication, all presentations having any of the selected specification will be included.

Typically this function is used to publish presentations for a certain market to a server on that market, or products from a factory to a defined server.

Step 5 - remove empty nodes

Fifth step is to remove empty modes. If "prune empty nodes" option is used, the publish process may also remove empty nodes. Nodes that does not contain any information are removed. Result is that nodes containing presentations removed due to permissions, will be removed.

Note that nodes may be marked with modes to change this behaviour, see Using modes in the Manager and at xml import

Publication options

Created site name is the name of the temporary database and also the folder name of the created publication before it is uploaded to the web server. 

Generate option will create a new database to be uploaded to the web server. If only the  upload is required, perhaps due to some temporary network problems, the generate option may be deselected.

Upload option will make the publisher upload the created database to the web server.

Erase after will ensure temporary site is deleted after publish.

Use soft links will ensure files are not copied from the site to the generated temporary site, saving disk space on the editor server.

Reset will only make a reset of the web viewer site pointed at in the publish. This setting cannot be combined with any of the previous, and is typically used when web viewer is connected directly to the Manager site database.

Accept validate errors Validation will run at publish. The vaildation will be run when the publication database is completely generated as a final step before uploading it to the web viewer. If publication fails, the publish process will be aborted. This option will make validation errors to be accepted.

Prune empty nodes will remove empty nodes at publish, see step 5 above.

Rebuild indexes will make the publisher rebuild index of web viewer after completed publish. This normally is not needed but may improve web viewer performance.

Use database copy will make a database backup at start of publish process and then run publish process from the copy. This prevents data from changing during the process and can be useful if imports may run at the same time, but at the cost of some disk space and slightly longer publishing process. Option is available in version 5.2 and later.


Publish same content to two web servers

If the exact same content is to be published to two different web servers, e.g. in two different regions, two publications will be needed. In order to avoid to run generate two times this setup can be used:

In the first publication: Check Generate and uncheck Erase after. Select a temporary site name.

In the second publication: Uncheck Generate and select the same temporary site name as in the first. Now the already generated site will be used.


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