How to add messages to end users

Version 4.3

This function is available in version 4.3 and later.

This guide shows how to add messages to end users. The message is shown at each screen to all users and is intended to be used to distribute system messages and other very important information.

Step-by-step guide

Follow these steps to add a new message.

  1. Sign in as administrator in the web viewer.

  2. Go to the Message function of the Administrator area of the web viewer.

  3. Click create message to create the new message and fill in the below information.

  4. Select publish to allow the message to display and save.






The title is the display text in the table of this view. It is only used to find the message if there are may messages active.


This is what will be displayed to end users.

Start date

First day the message will display.

End date

Last day the message will display.


The colour of the message.


May be any of these options

Always display - the message will show at all time

Show per session - the message will show each time a user visits the site (every session) but can be clicked away. Next session it will show again.

Show once - the message will display and when user clicks it away it will not show again.


Check this to make the message active.


A list of sites for which the message will be valid. 

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