Technical documentation - Canvas Search

This guide describes how to configure a search area which is located in canvas, e.g. on the start page.

Version 4.3 and later

This function is available in version 4.3 later. In version 4.5 it is reworked, see each section of this document.


Canvas search is a search area located in the mid of the pane of a catalogue. The search may have several tabs where each tab may be used to configure search in a defined set of properties of presentations.


Canvas search is configured in profile.config.

Version 4.5 and later

From version 4.5 and later CanvasSearch is defined within PresentationSettings only.


<!-- In version 5.1 and later "<Settings>" is changed to "<Presentation>" but configuration for CanvasSearch remains the same. --> <Settings> <!-- Start page --> <Trigger label="start"/> <Class>catalogue-start-view start</Class> <!-- Define a tab in canvas search. id - just an identifier heading - key text for the tab placeholder - key text for the grey text in the search box order - order of the tab --> <CanvasSearch id="Catalogue" heading="Catalogue" placeholder="EnterPNCMODELSKU" order="10"> <!-- Define the search options. categories - the presentationtype which will be searched properties - which properties of the specification will be searched, separate by space specifications - which specification types will be searched (persistent-id), separate by space --> <FilterSelection categories="Catalogue" properties="Name Description Identity" specifications="SKUNumber"/> </CanvasSearch> <!-- A second tab defined below --> <CanvasSearch id="Part" heading="Part" placeholder="EnterPartnumber" order="20"> <FilterSelection categories="Part,Kit" properties="Name PartNumber Identity" specifications="PARTNO"/> </CanvasSearch> </Settings>


Version 4.3 and 4.4

Define which catalogues to have canvas search 

Configure which catalogues shall have the canvas search. This is done under <presentationSettings> using the tag <DisplayCanvasSearchIdentity label="xxx" />. All catalogues with chosen label will get the canvas search area.

Configure search

Configure the search function in the <CanvasSearchCategories> tag.

Each category has its own search filter and is displayed in its own tab. The available tags for each tab are:

<Id> - key text for the text to be display as tab name <Order> - sequence number, lowest will be displayed leftmost <PlaceholderText> - key text for help text displayed in the tab's search input field (e.g. "Enter product number ..." below <SelectedCategories> - catalogue, document, part, part-module etc defining which presentation types the search will occur in <SelectedProperties> - which properties will be used when searching. Here list all properties with a space inbetween.

Defining properties that are specification types

In addition to use common properties in <SelectedProperties>, you can also be more specific and also search on decided specification types.
To add specific specification types, just add the specification type ID in element SelectedProperties. For example:

<SelectedCategories>part, catalogue, document</SelectedCategories>
<SelectedProperties>identity description footnotes specification-type-14 specification-type-11</SelectedProperties>

Gives the following search filter to the search tab:

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