Technical documentation - Search Manager and Search version 5.1

This guide explains how to configure search and facets.

Version 5.1

This function is available in version 5.1 and later


Search may now be configured to a much larger extent and user may filter down search results using facets. Facet search is made available when user has used quick search in toolbar and pressed enter to see all search results, or after having searched using canvas search.

User will be allowed to

  • select categories and sub categories

  • select facets and apply texts or select possible values for these facets

  • see if a catalogue in the search result has content

  • search result may be presented as a table or as a gallery

  • wizard style search can be defined to drill down sub categories and specifications



The categories are defined by the presentation types. Each presentation type must have a code. This code is used in profile.config to define the settings for the search result for that category.

Sub categories

Sub categories are defined by setting parent on the presentation type.


Specification types which are checked as facet will appear on the left side facet pane of the search screen if any of the search results contains a value for that facet.

Search result as table or gallery

Search result may also be presented as a gallery. Default, table or gallery, is defined in profile.config.


Search wizard

If sub types exist it is possible to define a drill down, wizard style search. The starting point of the wizard search can be placed on any presentation page using profile.config.

First level dripp down will be the sub categories defined. The image on the sub category comes from the image field on the presentation type.

Second level and onwards will present specifications of a type on the products.

In Manager, check the specification type mode as Facet and Wizard to make the step appear in the wizard. The order the steps appear will be controlled by the sequence number.



Settings for how search result is presented per category is defined by SearchManager.

Note! A category is referred to by using the code on the presentation type.

<SearchManager> <!-- auto-select-scope="true" will set scope to current catalogue once arriving at a catalogue. Default is false. --> <SearchManager auto-select-scope="false"> <SearchCategoryProvider> <!-- Show a search field at top of advanced search page. --> <AdvancedSearchQueryEnable>true</AdvancedSearchQueryEnable> <!-- Each category will define a search category. The category will appear as sections in quick search drop down and as Show results for options in the search result page. id is the code on the presentation type. max-hits will set how many hits will be max displayed in quick search drop down order will define the order the categories are shown, lowest at top. --> <Category id="Catalogue" max-hits="12" order="10"/> <Category id="Part" max-hits="12" order="20"/> <!-- Below is sample on how to merge categories that have base-type="Part" and kit="true" into one type called Parts and kits. Since parts still are visible with the category setting just above search hits will include both Parts as well as Parts and kits. --> <Category id="PartAndKit" max-hits="12" order="20" heading="Parts and kits"> <CompoundTrigger logic="any"> <Trigger kit="true"/> <Trigger base-type="Part"/> </CompoundTrigger> </Category> <Category id="Document" max-hits="12" order="30"/> <!-- A category may be disabled, and will thus not appear. --> <Category id="PartAssembly" max-hits="0" order="40" heading="Sections" disabled="true"> <!-- In this case part assemblies will not display provided that kit flag is false --> <Trigger kit="false"/> </Category> <!-- id may refer to a created presentation type as kits, it is the code which is referred --> <Category id="Kit" max-hits="12" order="40" heading="Kit"> <Trigger kit="true"/> </Category> <Category id="Illustration" max-hits="0" disabled="true"/> <Category id="Content set" max-hits="0" disabled="true"/> <!-- Note that bulletin categiry has a different tag --> <BulletinCategory id="Bulletin" disabled="true"/> <!-- Each facet defined below will always be visible for the selected categories. --> <!-- So PresentationIdentity will be shown for categories Catalogue, PresentationPartNumber will be shown for categories Part and Kit. --> <Facet id="PresentationIdentity" categories="Catalogue"/> <Facet id="PresentationPartNumber" categories="Part,Kit"/> <!-- Version 4.5 --> <Facet id="PartNumber" categories="Part,Kit"/> <!-- Renamed in version 5.0 --> <!-- KitPartName will be merged with PresentationName to ensure parts and kits are displayed together. --> <Facet id="PartKitName" copy="PresentationName" categories="Part,Kit" merge-id="Name"/> <Facet id="PresentationName" excluded-categories="Part,Kit" merge-id="Name"/> <Facet id="PartKitDescription" copy="PresentationDescription" categories="Part,Kit" merge-id="Description" heading="DetailedDescription"/> <Facet id="PresentationDescription" excluded-categories="Part,Kit" merge-id="Description"/> <!-- Specifications are shown as facets if search results contain any such facet. But it is possible to force a facet to be visible. --> <!-- id SKUNumber is the persistent identity of a specification type so facet SKUNumber will always be visible for categories that has any specification of that type. --> <Facet id="SKUNumber" visibility="Visible"/> <!-- It is possible to show if a catalogue has content as a facet. Icon is triggered to show if root node's presistent identity matches reges and that node contains any referenses. Icon is predefined or defined in css. --> <!-- availability="any-category" will force the facet to show on all categories and also when no category is selected --> <CatalogueContentsFacet id="Content" categories="Catalogue" availability="any-category" visibility="Visible" order="1000"> <Content heading="Documents" icon="book" like="%_Documents" root-node="true"/> <Content heading="SpareParts" icon="cogs" like="%_SpareParts" root-node="true"/> </CatalogueContentsFacet> </SearchCategoryProvider> <!-- Quick search after 4 characters --> <MinimumSearchLength>4</MinimumSearchLength> <!-- Content search in advanced search --> <SearchDocumentContent>false</SearchDocumentContent> <!-- Turn on/off filtering of the part list in a part assembly --> <PartAssemblyTableRowFilter>true</PartAssemblyTableRowFilter> <!-- Hide facet if it has zero in counter. This is available in version 5.1 and later. --> <HideFacetOnZeroCount>true</HideFacetOnZeroCount> <Triggers> <RegexSearchTrigger search-pattern="0*(?'a'[\S]+)"> <!-- (^ *|)0*(?'a'[\S]+) --> <Actions> <SearchQueryAliasTriggerAction alias-format="($0|${a})"/> </Actions> </RegexSearchTrigger> </Triggers> </SearchManager> </SearchManager>

Note that the category for bulletins (<BulletinCategory>)is different compared to the categories for presentations (<Category>)

Available facet id:s

The below facet id:s may be used. Also the persistent identity of specification types may be used as faced id.

Facet id


Facet id
















Attributes on facets

Facet attribute



Facet attribute




Refers to the persistent identity of the specification


List of categories which will display this facet. 

<Facet id="ProductCategory" categories="Catalogue"/>


List of categories which will not display this facet. 

<Facet id="PresentationDescription" excluded-categories="Part,Kit"/>


Will make facet become an option for any category

<Facet id="Region" availability="any-category"/>


Will make facet always visible, that is as a column

<Facet id="Region" visibility="Visible"/>


Is used to set sort order of facets, lowest number at top

<Facet id="Region" order="10"/>

<CatalogueContentsFacet id="Content" categories="Catalogue" availability="any-category" visibility="Visible" order="1000">

Search hits as table or gallery

Default view is defined in the templates section of profile.config.

<!-- To make gallery default method of presenting search results use this setting --> <Templates> <Presentation id="search-hit-gallery" template="preview"> <DataViewOption default-view-selector="Gallery"/> </Presentation> </Templates>

Wizard search

By default Wizard search is turned on and will display on start page if sub categories of products exist.

A typical usage for Wizard search is to hide it on start page and instead create a place holder catalogue for Wizard search with label wizardsearch. Link a node on start page to the wizard search catalogue.

<Presentation id="start" template="index" class="start view"> <Trigger label="start"/> <!-- Hide Wizard Search on start page --> <WizardSearch display="hidden"/> </Presentation> <!-- Specific settings for wizard catalogue if needed --> <Presentation id="wizardsearch" template="index" class="wizardsearch view" remember-scroll="false"> <Trigger label-regex="wizardsearch"/> <Layout display-id="header" class="hero content-v-bottom"/> <SearchSettings display="hidden"/> <CatalogueNavigator display="none"/> </Presentation>


Content icons to indicate what content is on a product

Predefined icons

The below sample icons can be referred from the configuration. Icon will appear as a symbol if content exist under a node.






Typically used for documentation


Typically used for spare part lists or kits

All available icons are listed here: Technical documentation - Icons.

Custom icons

It is possible to configure custom icons for the content using the css. Sample css as below.

Custom icons

Search Scope

Search normally operates on the full database. But once an user has navigated to a catalogue, it is possible to search in that catalogue only. This is controlled by the scope manager.

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