Technical documentation - Cross sales and sales statistics

This article describes how to configure cross sales.

Version 5 and later

Cross sales is available in version 5 and later. A license file allowing Cross sales/sales statistics is also required.


Cross sales need to be configured to be turned on in web viewer. With the below configuration, cross sales will be available in web viewer and use data from Manager.

<CrossSalesProvider> <AssertDbCrossSalesProvider/> </CrossSalesProvider>

See separate article on how to work with cross sales in Manager.

Sales statics is saved based on setting in PlaceOrderProvider

<PlaceOrderProvider> <!-- Save order for statistics --> <RESTPlaceOrderProvider save-external-order-to-server-database="true" delete-old-trace-log-after-number-of-folder="30" trace-folder="C:\Temp\Trace-logs\" url="<"/>> </PlaceOrderProvider>

Note that cross sales is a licensed add on module.


How and where cross sales, sales statistics and part options are displayed is defined in presentation settings, see .

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