Technical documentation - Footnotes and Bulletins

This article describes how to configure footnotes and bulletins.

This configuration is available in version 5.1 and later.


Footnotes may be placed on presentations and nodes. Both footnotes and presentations are drawn as simple presentations which means that the content of the footnote may be placed in different areas as body, bodyfooter etc. See for the general layout of a presentation.


Bulletins and footnotes can be placed on a few different places and have a set of options.

<Bulletins display="toolbar" class="highlight"> <Bulletin id="default"/> </Bulletins> <Footnotes display="toolbar" class="highlight"> <Footnote id="default"/> </Footnotes>

For the options on <Bulletins> and <Footnotes> tag see

Tags on <Bulletin> and <Footnote>

<Bulletin id="popup" display-icon="false"> <Navigation disabled="true" root="true"/> <DisplayMark>false</DisplayMark> <DisplayPriority>false</DisplayPriority> <Date display="body" tag="h3"></Date> <Name display="body" tag="h3" class="heading"/> <Description display="body"/> </Bulletin> <FootNote id="popup" display-icon="false"> <Navigation disabled="true" /> <Name display="body" tag="h3" class="heading"/> <Description display="body"/> </FootNote>

XML tag



XML tag




This attribute will be applied to each element in the bulletin or footnote. Clicking on bulletin/footnote item it will redirect to corresponding bulletin repository view. if disabled true then no redirect to the repository view will occur. Setting root false , then navigation url will be set on all element of bulletin/footnote item. Setting root true then url will be set on the item container of bulletin item. For example bulletin item container have description,date, priority icon. setting root false will set navigation url to each description,date, priority icon otherwise on their container

disabled (true/false)

root (true/false)


Determines if read/unread mark on bulletin shall be shown or not



Determines if priority icon on bulletin shall be shown or not



How bulletin date is displayed

display tag class


How bulletin name is displayed

display tag class


How bulletin description is displayed

display tag class

Less variables

Colors are controlled by a set of less variables. See the generated site.variables.less file for the variables.


There are a few built in templates for footnotes and bulletins. You can create a new template as well. This template setting will be applied for each bulletin/ footnote items shown in the popup.

  • Popup: If bulletins or footnotes presented as an icon list using the compact mode then clicking on icon it will show item as popup. This popup template will be applied to the content in the popup.

  • Default: Bulletin or footnote presented as list without icon.

  • Compact: Bulletin or footnote presented as list with icons. This compact setting will be applied to each of the list element with icons.

Templates may vary in different versions, see presentation.default.config for the existing templates.

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