Pdf.js is used by Assert, here is a hint to make it fit

Download new version

Check: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/releases

Extract distribution Zip-archive to Deploys\WebViewer\WebViewer\Content\pdf to replace old version.

Edit content\pdf\web\Viewer.js

  1. Set path to worker js
    PDFJS.workerSrc = ASSERT_WORKER;
  2. Point out the location of the Pdf-file
    var DEFAULT_URL = (typeof ASSERT_FILEPATH == 'undefined') ? 'compressed.tracemonkey-pldi-09.pdf' : ASSERT_FILEPATH;

Copy content\pdf\web\Viewer.html to Views\Pdf\Viewer.cshtml

  1. Add variables referred in the script above:
    var ASSERT_FILEPATH = ("@ViewBag.PdfFilePath");
    var ASSERT_WORKER = ("@ViewBag.PdfWorker");