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This guide describes the different profiling options that exist when it comes to showing, hiding and formatting various information in the web viewer. These profiling options are added to profile.config

Version 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5

This guide is valid for version 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5.


Presentation settings may be applied to different information. A set of rules "triggers" define on which information a setting shall be applied.


It is possible to have several trigger conditions and several trigger actions in one setting. It is also possible to have settings without trigger conditions, which then will result in the setting being applied everywhere.

Note: If several settings apply to information, the last setting in the list of all settings will be the one used.

Sample presentation settings

A simple presentation settings file to use as a base for needed settings:

Trigger conditions

A trigger condition may be a presentation type (e.g. part assembly, part, document, catalogue), but also other type of conditions that can be fetched from a presentation. The following triggers exist.

TriggerFormatting sampleDescription
Id<Trigger id="1"/>
Identity<Trigger identity="10203040"/>
LogicalIdentity<Trigger logical-identity="Main"/>Label on a presentation
Base type<Trigger base-type="Document"/>Document, Part, Part assembly, Catalogue
Part number<Trigger part-number="1234567890"/>

Trigger actions

A trigger action may be carried out on a presentation and the following actions exist.

Display brand information such as name. Default is false.
Display specifications. Default is true.
Display labels for each specification were applicable. Default is true.
Display identity. Default is true.
Format used to display identity for presentations and catalogues nodes. See formatting below.
Format used to display part number. E.g if parts shall be written in a specific format. See formatting below.
Display name. Default is true.
Display name. Default is true.
Display filters on the presentation. Default is true.
If true, the filters is not displayed regardless of DisplayFilters property, when a filter is applied. Default is false.
Determines the display mode (placement and appearance) of the references component. Default is toolbar. See Component display mode.
Determines the display mode (placement and appearance) of the footnotes component. Default is toolbar. See Component display mode.
Determines the display mode (placement and appearance) of the bulletins component. Default is toolbar. See Component display mode.
Determines the display mode (placement and appearance) of the used in component. Default is canvas and collapsed. See Component display mode.
Determines the display mode of the information pane. Default is AlwaysVisible
Determnines the used in settings. See used in settings.
Determines the visibility of the catalogue node tree. Default is visible and collapsable. See Pane display mode.
Indicates that the catalogue should be inlined (as all other presentations) instead of navigating to a new page. Default is false.
Determines the catalogue node settings for the catalogue. Triggerable. Multiple. See Catalogue Node settings
Determines the specifications settings for the catalogue. Triggerable. Multiple.
Determines the sort for the specifications
Text key for specifications heading.
The number of specifications when the specifications gets collapsed.
The number of filters when the filter gets collapsed.
Determines the part assembly row settings.

Authorize permissions

Element name Administration
Users can access administrative functions
Element name Order
Users can add parts to order, view and place order
Element name System
Users can access administrative functions for the server
Element name CompanyAdministration
User can access add-company function and add-user function in My Account if they fall under this group while Orgnaizaiton is enabled.
Element name Bulletin
User can access bulletin if admin assign this right to user in User management.
Element name Feedback
User can access Feedback funciton if the user belongs to group of Feedback resource.
Element name MyAccount
User can access My Account view if the user belongs to group of My Account resource.
Element name LoginPermissoin
User should belong to this permission group to login and access information.

Catalogue node setting

Defines the appearance and behaviour of catalogue nodes.

Element name Disable
Disables the node. The node will typically be displayed but not available for use. Default is false. Not used.
Element name Hidden
Hides the the node. Default is false. Not used.
Element name Collapsed
Specify if the node should be collapsed of expanded by default. Not used.
Element name Sort
How to sort the child nodes. Not used.
Element name GalleryViewEnabled
Determines if the gallery view of nodes is available.
Element name GalleryViewNodeSize
The size of the node images in the gallery view.
Element name ListViewEnabled
Determine if the list view of nodes is available.
Element name DisplayIdentity
Display the identity of a node.
Element name DisplayIdentityInGallery
Display the identity of a node in the gallery.
Element name UseOrderByRelevance
Determines if the sort/order choice of 'Relevance' should be available.

Component display mode

Specifies the placement and appearance of a component in the html.

Default placement and behaviour
Placed in a header
Placed in a body
Placed in a footer
Placed in a canvas
Placed in a toolbar
Collapsed by default
Expanded by default

Configuration manager

Element name TermsConditionDocumentPath
TC path Not used.
Element name Default
Gets the default Configuration Manager. This is the configuration at web server level, not overriden by site configuration
Element name Current
Gets the current Configuration Manager. This gives the configuration at site level, if applied.


Defines how to format a value. E.g. to make a part number be display in groups like 1234 5678 90.

Attribute name hide
Set to true to format to empty value. Default is false.
Attribute name formatSee actual format to use when formatting the value.
Attribute name pattern\b(?'a'\d{4})(?'b'\d{4})(?'c'\d{2})\b will match a 10 digit number dividing it into three groups a, b, c used together with format '${a} ${b} ${c}' will give an output of #### #### ## for a 10 digit number. If the regex is not matched, the value will be unformatted.A regex pattern to use for extracting variables from the input value. Those values can then be used in the format.

Html attribute

Defines a html attribute to ba added to a html element.

Attribute name namename="xyz" gives an attribute named data-xyzName of the attribute.
Attribute name propertyQuantity Part.PartNumberName of the objects property to get the value from, converted to string. The property name can be a path.
Element name Json
If true, serialize the value to json.


Identifier to indentify objects.

Attribute name object
The name of the named object to match against.
Attribute name property
The name of the objects property to get the value to match against.
Attribute name value
The value to match against the value of the objects property specified by 'property'.
Attribute name regex
Regex pattern to match against the value of the objects property specified by 'value'.

Identifier operator

Element name Equal
Element name NotEqual
Not equals
Element name LessThan
Less than
Element name GreaterThan
Greater than

Pane display mode

Specifies the visibility of a pane in the html.

Element name Visible
Pane is collapsable and expanded (visible) by default.
Element name Hidden
Pane is collapsable and collpased (not visible) by default.
Element name AlwaysVisible
Pane is always visible.
Element name AlwaysHidden
Pane is always hidden.

Presentation identifier

An identifier used to identitfy presentations.

Attribute name id
Match againts the presentations id
Attribute name identity
Match againts the presentations identity
Attribute name logical-identity
Match against the presentations logical identity (label)
Attribute name persistent-identity
Match against the presentations persistent identity
Attribute name type
Match against the presentation type by the types name. Caution the name is localized!
Attribute name base-type
Match against the presentations base type by the base types name.
Attribute name part-number
Match against the presentations part number.

Presentation settings

Settings for appearance and behaviour of a presentation. Use trigger(s) to select when the settings should be applied. If no trigger is used, the settings are applied for all presentations. Settings are applied in document order.

Element name Triggers
Trigger element is used to filter if this ProfileSettings applies or not. Several triggers can be specified.

See: Presentation identifier

Element name DisplayBrand
Display brand information such as name. Default is false.
Element name DisplaySpecifications
Display specifications. Default is true.
Element name DisplaySpecificationsLabels
Display labels for each specification were applicable. Default is true.
Element name DisplayIdentity
Display identity. Default is true.
Element name IdentityFormat
Format used to display identity for presentations and catalogues nodes.

See: Formatter

Element name PartNumberFormat
Format used to display part number.

See: Formatter

Element name DisplayName
Display name. Default is true.
Element name DisplayDescription
Display name. Default is true.
Element name DisplayFilters
Display name. Default is true.
Element name HideFiltersIfFilterApplied
If true, the filters is not displayed regardless of DisplayFilters property, when a filter is applied. Default is false.
Element name ReferencesDisplayMode
Determines the display mode (placement and appearance) of the references component. Default is toolbar.

See: Component display mode

Element name FootnotesDisplayMode
Determines the display mode (placement and appearance) of the footnotes component. Default is toolbar.

See: Component display mode

Element name BulletinsDisplayMode
Determines the display mode (placement and appearance) of the bulletins component. Default is toolbar.

See: Component display mode

Element name UsedInDisplayMode
Determines the display mode (placement and appearance) of the used in component. Default is canvas and collapsed.

See: Component display mode

Element name ReferencesDisplayMode
Determines the display mode of the information pane. Default is AlwaysVisible.

See: Pane display mode

Element name UsedIn
Determnines the used in settings

See: Used in settings

Element name CatalogueTreeDisplayMode
Determines the visibility of the catalogue node tree. Default is visible and collapsable.

See: Pane display mode

Element name Inline
Indicates that the catalogue should be inlined (as all other presentations) instead of navigating to a new page. Default is false.

Could be changed to CatalogueDisplayMode (Page, Inline, Overview)

Element name CatalogueNodeSetting
Determines the catalogue node settings for the catalogue. Triggerable. Multiple.

See: Catalogue node setting

Element name SpecificationSetting
Determines the specifications settings for the catalogue. Triggerable. Multiple.

See: Specification setting

Element name SpecificationSort
Determines the sort for the specifications
Element name SpecificationsTextKey
Text key for specifications heading.
Element name CollapseSpecificationsCount
The number of specifications when the specifications gets collapsed.
Use element name PartAssemblyColumnSetting for apply settings on built in columns. Use element name CustomPartAssemblyColumnSetting for adding custom columns.
Determines the part assembly column settings.

See: Table column settings

Element name PartAssemblyRowSetting
Determines the part assembly row settings.

See: Table row settings

Element name CustomPresentationView
Specifies that a custom presentation view should be used. The name of the view.
Element name PartListReportDisplayMode
Specifies if part list report is shown directly in gallery.  
   <Settings base-type="Catalogue">


Profile settings

Element name DisableHtmlCache
This is for debugging. Disables all html cache
Element name SuppressedUILanguagesde,sv-SEA comma separated list of UI languages that should not be available
Element name LoremIpsumEnabled
Enables seeding of auto generated application data. This is for demo purpose only. Default is false.
Element name CustomCSSUrl
Path to were a custom CSS is stored. If a relative url is specified, the ProfileContentsPath will be used as the base path.
Element name CustomJSUrl
Path to were a custom JavaScript file is stored. If a relative url is specified, the ProfileContentsPath will be used as the base path.
Element name AnonymousUserMenuLabelMenuLabelKeyThe text key displayed for as menu label when a user is not logged in. Default is 'Menu'. To be obsolete.
Element name PartListReportEnabled
Enables Part List Report. Accessible from nodes and catalogue overview. Default is true.
Element name PartListReportDownloadEnabled
Enables if Part List Report is downloadable. Default is false.
Element name NotesEnabled
Enabled ability to view and place notes. Default is false.
Element name ProfileContentsPath
The path to the folder where the contents for the profile is stored. Default is App_Data/{SiteName}
Element name AutoChangeInvalidLanguages
Auto-correct invalid language choices (applies to UI-, data- and document language settings)
Element name DefaultUILanguage
Default UI language
Element name DefaultDataLanguage
Default data language
Element name DefaultDocumentLanguage
Default document language
Element name UILanguageChangeable
UI language is changeable by the user (from settings page)
Element name DataLanguageChangeable
Data language is changeable by the user (from settings page)
Element name DocumentLanguageChangeable
Document language is changeable by the user (from settings page)
Element name CombineDataAndDocumentLanguage
Use just one dropdown for data and document languages
Element name DefaultPdfJsReader
Default Pfd reader is changeable by the user (from settings page)
Element name OrderStatusEnabled
This property decides whether the Order status is visible to user and also to Admin for updating Order status.
Element name OrderStatusTypesProvider
This property fetches order status types list from config file if specified. This holds order status types key text which is translated from translation.
Element name AddToOrderCartProvider
The property setting decides part is added to which shopping basket.
Element name PlaceOrderProvider
This property setting decided order is placed to which system from Order Cart.
Element name AuthenticationProvider
This property declares a provider to login or autenticate a user login or an external session id, and to read users from a repository by id or name
Element name PriceProvider
This property declares a provider to fetch part prices; from other system, Excel sheet, ASsert server database etc.
Element name OrderAttachmentProviderToOEM
This property declares a provider to attach order as PDF or as Excel in mail to OEM
Element name OrderAttachmentProviderToCustomer
This property declares a provider to attach order as PDF or as Excel in mail to customer
Element name OrderAdditionalInformationEnabled
Enable and disbale Order Additional information tab ( address tab) in Order cart view.
Element name AddSingleItemToOrderCartEnabled
Display's view through which user can add single item to Order cart.
Element name SaveOrderEnabled
If saving of order is allowed.
Element name PlaceOrderEnabled
If Place order is allowed.
Element name ClearOrderEnabled
If Clear order is allowed.
Element name DownloadCurrentOrderCartEnabled
This enables download dropdown in Order cart to be able to download.
Element name OrderEnabled
If ordering is enabled
Element name ShoppingCartEnabled
If there is a shopping cart
Element name Discount
System/site wide discount on list price. In percentage (0-1)
Element name NeedsStockToOrder
If the article must have a stock to be addable to order. Default is false.
Element name NeedsPriceToOrder
If the article must have a price to be addable to order. Default is true.
Element name PriceDisplayMode
Display mode of price. Default is PriceDisplayModes.All.
Element name StockDisplayMode
Display mode of stock. Default is StockDisplayModes.All.
Element name MergeStocks
Merge all warehouses stock levels to a singel stock. Default is false.
Element name TotalDiscountMode
How to calculate total dicount. Default is TotalDiscountMode.Max.

Property descriptor settings

Settings for properties in the html. E.g. the properties of a presentation.

Element name Id
The id to match the property this settings should be applied to.
Element name Skip
True if to skip the property.
Element name LabelKey
Label text key.
Attribute name class
Comma separated list of class names added to the property.
Element name Format
Formatting of the properties value.


Specifies the sort of lists and collections.

Attribute name directionAscendingThe sort direction.

Valid values: Ascending, Descending

Attribute name typePartNumberWhat to sort on.

Table cell settings

Settings for a table cell.

Attribute name class
Comma separated list of class names added to the cell.
Element name Formatter
Formatter for formatting the value of the cell.

See: Formatter

Element name Attribute
Html attributes added to the cell. Multiple.

See: Html attribute

Table column settings

Settings for a table column. The columns to apply the settings on are matched by id.

Attribute name id
The id of the the columns to add settings for.
Attribute name caption-key
Caption text key.
Attribute name enabled
Set to false to exclude the column. Default true.
Attribute name order
The index of the columns. Left to right.
Element name HideEmpty
Set to true to hide the column automatically of the whole column is emtpy.
Attribute name class
Comma separated list of class names added to the column.
Element name CellSettings
Cell settings for the column. Triggerable. Multiple.

See: Table cell settings

Sample setting to change order of columns in a part list of a part assembly.




Table custom column settings

Defines a custom column for table.

Element name Value
Value providers for getting the values for a row cell in the column.

See: Value provider


Attribute name template
The name of the template to use to render html content for a row cell in the column.
Attribute name separator
Separator to join the values, if there are more than one value provider.
Attribute name value-format
The format for formatting the value for a row cell in the column

Table row settings

Settings for a table row.

Attribute name class
Comma separated list of class names added to the column.
Element name Attribute
Html attributes added to the cell. Multiple.

See: Html attribute

Element name Properties
Property settings for the rows properties. E.g the part assembly row properties.

See: Property descriptor settings


Total discount mode

Element name Add
Add discounts, e.g. 20% + 20% = 40%
Element name Multiply
Multiply discounts, e.g. 20% and 20% gives 0.8 * 0.8 = 64%
Element name Max
Select the maximum discount, e.g. 20% and 30% gives 30%
Element name Part
Discount on part overrides global (system/site level) discount
Element name Global
Global (system/site level) discount overrides part discount

Used in settings

Defines the settings for the used in component. The used in component is a list of paths to where the presentation is used.

Attribute name enabled
Set to false to disable used in component. Default is true.
Attribute name catalogue-nodeCatalogue -> Node ->Include references from catalogue nodes. Default is true.
Attribute name presentationPresentation ->Include references from presentation. Default is true.
Attribute name presentation-catalogue-nodeCatalogue -> Node -> Presentation ->Include references from presentations referred from catalogue nodes. Default is true.
Attribute name bulletinBulletin ->Include references from bulletins. Only valid for documents. Default is true.
Attribute name bulletin-catalogue-nodeCatalogue -> Node -> Bulletin ->Include references from bulletins referred from catalogue nodes. Only valid for documents. Default is true. Not used.
Attribute name bulletin-presentationPresentation -> Bulletin ->Include references from bulletins referred from presentations. Only valid for documents. Default is true.
Attribute name max-count
The maximum number of hits displayed
Attribute name page-counts10,25,50Enabled paging of results in specified page sizes. Use a comma separated list if sizes. Not used.
Attribute name sort
Determines how to sort the result.

See: Sort

The only valid type is 'Identity' otherwise is will be sorted as on server.

Caution! Always make a backup of profile.config before altering settings.

  • No labels