A presentation setting is not activated despite trigger and page gets messed up


A presentation setting has been defined and a trigger in the setting exist. But the settings are not applied and page is messed up.


Triggers on presentation settings must come directly after the opening tag. No comments, other tags or even white spaces shall exist between the opening tag and the trigger.

The placement of the tag must follow this format.

<Presentation template="index"> <Trigger label="start"/> <!-- Whatever settings --> </Presentation>

For a general description on triggers see .


First, the correct one. Trigger first and the name. Name get a small H5.

<Presentation template="index"> <Trigger label="start"/> <Name tag="h5"/> </Presentation>

Start page gets this look.

Now put the name before the trigger. The template still triggers but the html is messed up.

<Presentation template="index"> <Name tag="h5"/> <Trigger label="start"/> </Presentation>

The empty are to the left of the nodes are actually the image of the catalogue. But this catalogue does not even have an image.

Even adding just a comment messes up the html in the same way.


Do not put anything between opening <Presentation> tag and the <Trigger> tag.