Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Information may be tagged with modes which may control how the information is used or acted on. Modes can be set in the Manager by altering the mode in the information pane, or it can be set during xml import.

The below list show the available modes on information and their usage.



Modes on part row


This mode will make a part on a part row non purchaseable. That is, add to order button will not be shown.


(old name HidePartNumber)

This mode is used on part rows. If true, the below will apply:

  • The part row will not display the part number of the part on the row.

  • There will be no "Add to order" button.

  • It will not be possible to click on the part to navigate to the part.

Note that a consequence of this is that only highlighted specifications on that part will be shown to the user. This is since only highlighted specifications from a part show on the part row.

This mode was previously named HidePartNumber.


This mode is used in part rows of a kit. The part on a part row marked with this mode will not get the kit dropdown for thie kit. See Working with kits for usage.

This mode is available in version 5.0 and later.

Modes on presentation types (part, part assembly, catalogue, document, illustration, contentset)


If true, the presentation will be included in publish process despite not being used in any of the included catalogues. 


If true, part number will not be shown. This mode only applies to parts.


If true, filter actions will not effect the display of this presentation.


If true, permissions will not have effect on this presentation at publish.


If true, clicking on a presentation will ensure the presentation is shown with the navigation tree and not full screen. Thus the context will remain.


If true, the presentation will not display the used in section.


If true, the presentation will inherit information from the node it is placed at. Usage is e.g. when an overview image is placed on a node and the part assembly on that node will then get the image in the illustration overview. This may be useful if a part assembly is reused at several places and an overview of its placement is to be shown.

Currently only images are inherited.


If true, this presentation will not be included in pdf export. Typically used on top level drill down part assemblies (where parts refer to part assemblies further down in the structure).


This mode is only used on documents in version 4.5.x and later. If set, document files may point to an url instead of a file on disk using the FileName field.

Modes on nodes


Not used.


Not used.


Not used.


Not used.


When publisher attribute: remove-empty-nodes is set, all nodes that have no references are removed as a last step in the publication process. But when a node have this mode set, the node will not be removed at publish. Nor will it be removed by the web viewer if nodes are suppressed by filtering.


With this mode, the node will inherit identity, name and specifications with a specification type which mode NodeInheritable from its attached presentation. Nodes with this setting will display as italic in the Manager.

Modes on specification type


Set to allow specification to show as a column in gallery, version 5 and later. See Technical documentation - Configuring node view in catalogue.


This mode will make the specification appear as a facet in search from version 4.5 and later.


Specifications with a specification type with mode Highlighted set to true will be shown at top and in the quick search result as well as on parts in order history.


Not used.


This mode will make specifications of this specification type to become inherited to the node and thus show in the navigation and gallery. If a specification type is to show as a column in node gallery, use both NodeInheritable and Column modes.


Specifications with a specification type with mode Printable set to true will be included in pdf publications and reports.


Specifications with a specification type with mode Searchable will be included in the search indexes and thus be searchable. If false, the specification will not be searchable, but can still be shown.


Specifications with a specification type with mode Visible set to true will be shown. If false, the specification will be hidden.

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "document" , "mode" , "catalogue" , "publish" , "row" , "part" ) and type = "page" and space = "ASKB"
labelsmode part row catalogue document publish


Page Properties

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