Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


APIIn paramsResponseProvider name

Authentication information

A list of part numbers

Price and currency for each part.

NLA code for each part.

Replacement information for each part.

Result codes (message and error on each part)



Authentication information

A list of part numbers

List of availabilities for each part (if several warehouses)

Result codes (message and error on each part)

GetAddressesAuthentication information

List of addresses

List of order types

Temporary address permission (optional)

Result code (message and error on each address)


Authentication information

A list of part numbers

Order line results

Result codes


PlaceOrder / ValidateOrder

Authentication information

Order (header and order lines)

Order (updated if needed with NLA and replacements)

Resut Result codes (message on order, error on order, message on order line, error on order lines)



Authentication information

Orders, one line per order

Result codes



Authentication information

Order number

Order header, order lines, shipment lines

Result codes



  1. There is an active order in web viewer stored in an order object
  2. Order object is sent in PlaceOrder / ValidateOrder call
  3. If call is successful, PlaceOrder / ValidateOrder call returns an order object. This returned object is used to update the active order.
    1. Prices on order lines in active order is updated
    2. Total price and charges on the active order is updated
    3. Parts may be marked as NLA or a replacement may be returned and active order is updated based on this
    4. Messages on order or order lines are set on the active order
    5. Error code on order lines or on order is set on active order. If an error code exist the corresponding message will display in red and it will not be possible to place the order
  4. Result is presented
    1. For ValidateOrder call user stays on the order page and gets to see the active order
    2. For PlaceOrder call user is either
      1. directed to a confirmation page if PlaceOrder call accepted the order
      2. stays on the order page and gets to see the active order if PlaceOrder call did not accept the order


Order is validated when parts are added and when user arrives at order. The validation can be turned off using a setting.

<RESTPlaceOrderProvider order-validation-required="false" save-external-order-to-server-database="false" delete-old-trace-log-after-number-of-folder="30" trace-folder="C:\Temp\Trace-logs\" url=""/> 


Providers for integrations are normally custom built for each integration and params needed for each custom provider will vary. Typically a custom provider is configured according to the below pattern in profile.config:
